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How Brulin Cleans War Zone Helicopter Rear Rotors Intended For Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO)

When it comes to overhaul services, every component must undergo meticulous cleaning to ensure optimal performance and safety. When a client specializing in helicopter overhaul approached us with concerns about their cleaning process, our team of dedicated parts cleaning experts recognized an opportunity to significantly enhance their operations.  

The client faced the challenge of removing maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) soils from rear rotor housings that had been exposed to a war zone environment. Their in-process cleaning requirements necessitated the use of an immersion tank, but without ultrasonic agitation.  

With a focus on achieving better cleaning results and reducing the number of rejections during quality control (QC), the client sought Brulin’s help to make improvements in their cleaning process. Our recommended process adjustments, including a new cleaning chemistry and efficiency improvements, resulted in cleaner parts and a streamlined workflow for the client. 

Our Industrial Parts Cleaning Process Solution 

The client’s existing process involved the use of Daraclean 282, an aqueous cleaning chemistry, in an immersion tank without ultrasonics.  

The parts, made of steel and aluminum, underwent a 5-minute cleaning cycle at a temperature of 140°F (60°C). A single rinse was performed for 5 minutes at the same temperature, followed by drying at 140°F (60°C) for 5 minutes. Additionally, the client accounted for a time-consuming manual hand wash step. 

The tank chemistry was changed only when cleaning effectiveness was compromised. The client experienced frequent QC rejections and needed better cleaning results. 

To address the client’s challenges and improve their cleaning process, we recommended the following adjustments: 

  • Chemistry & Concentration: We advised the use of AquaVantage® 815 GD, a highly effective cleaning chemistry known for its superior performance, instead of Daraclean 282. To enhance cleaning efficacy, we recommended an increased concentration of 18%. This adjustment would optimize the cleaning power and ensure the thorough removal of MRO soils. 
  • Efficiency Improvements: We proposed eliminating a manual hand wash step that involved spraying detergent onto the parts before rinsing and drying. This streamlining of the process would save time, reduce labor requirements, and eliminate potential sources of variability. 
  • Tank Titration: We proposed using a titration technique to move the client away from only changing their tank when problems arose. With the use of this new titration method, their tank life was established at two months, a standard that they could predict and account for regularly. 

The temperature and time parameters of the existing process were maintained, with a 5-minute wash cycle at 140°F (60°C). This would ensure compatibility with the client’s current setup while maximizing cleaning efficiency. 

The Results 

This helicopter overhaul services client chose Brulin’s team of trusted parts cleaning advisors based on our ability to deliver a superior cleaning chemistry, AquaVantage® 815 GD, which outperformed their previous cleaning solution. Our expertise in process optimization and streamlining played a crucial role in eliminating the hand wash step, further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of their cleaning process. 

The implementation of our recommended process adjustments resulted in significant improvements for the client. The helicopter rear rotor housings were cleaned to a higher standard, immediately reducing the number of rejections during QC inspections.  

Additionally, the removal of the manual hand wash step streamlined the workflow and eliminated potential inconsistencies. The client experienced cleaner parts and improved efficiency, leading to increased overall satisfaction with the cleaning process. 

Through collaboration and expertise, we successfully enhanced the cleaning process for the client’s helicopter rear rotor housings overhaul. Our commitment to providing exceptional cleaning solutions and optimizing processes reinforces our position as a trusted partner in the field. We continue to support our client, ensuring their ongoing success through reliable and innovative cleaning solutions. 

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